Moste Potente Podcaste: A Harry Potter Podcast
Two millennials revisit their favorite childhood obsession: Harry Potter. Rebecca and Frances look at the series in a new light and bring listeners along for the ride as they discuss everything from plot holes to fanfiction. This podcast is meant to capture our collective love for the fandom while also taking a hard look at the problematic aspects of it. Warning: hold onto your butterbeer, because spoilers, swearwords, and sexually explicit language may occur!
34 episodes
A quick announcement that we will be going on hiatus for the next 6 weeks or so...as we prepare for A NEW SEASON OF THE POD! We'll be doing a full on rebrand of our podcast and will be back and better than ever this summer. We appreciate all of...
Ep. 25 - Dumbledore's Beard is Full of Secrets
Join us for our discussion on the Fantastic Beasts trailer! Here is the link to the scene/article we reference: https://thebrag.com/dumbledore-confesses-his-love-for-grindelwald-in-fantastic-beasts-clip/. Please leave...
Season 1
Mini-Episode: Reacting to Harry Potter Hot Takes
More mini-episodes! This week we discuss some Harry Potter hot takes--some spicier than others. Here is the article: we reference: https://www.ranker.com/list/harry-potter-hot-takes/damon-davis Please leave us a review! It helps th...
Ep. 24 - Deathly Hallows Was Arguably The Worst Book
Join us for our lively and lengthy discussion on the Deathly Hallows. Let us know your thoughts!. Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @mostepotentepodInstagram: @mostepotentep...
Mini-Episode: Hot Take--Percy Should Have Died
We hope you enjoy our thoughts on who should have died in the final battle!Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @mostepotentepodInstagram: @mostepotentepodEmail: mostepotentepodc...
Ep. 23 - Justice for Ron
WE'RE BACK! After our month-long hiatus, we're back to uploading episodes every week! Join us for our discussion (rant?) concerning the absolute injustices that Ron was dealt in the writing for the HP movies. Let us know your thoug...
Mini-Episode: Snape, Snape, Severus Snape Redux
Welcome to our mini-episode series! We hope you enjoy our thoughts (rant?) and continuation of our original Snape episode. Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @mostepotentepodI...
Ep. 22 - Why did Fred and George Need So Many Beans in the HP Video Games?
Join us for our super nostalgic discussion of the Harry Potter video and computer games! Be warned--this episode is slightly more chaotic than usual! We hope those of you who collected Bertie Botts, completed the Lumos, Challenge, and defeated ...
Mini-Episode: Marauders Casting Mistakes
Welcome to our new mini-episode series! We hope you enjoy our conversation (Rebecca's rant?) about the Marauders casting!Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @mostepotentepodInstagra...
Ep. 21 - What's Terry Boot Up To These Days?
Join us for our analysis of the wizarding world side characters! We discuss all things Terry Boot, Hannah Abbott, Millicent Bulstrode, and many more characters that we just don't really see a lot. We also have a rousing game of Would You Rather...
Mini-Episode: Michael Gambon was a Better Dumbledore
Welcome to our new mini-episode series! We hope you enjoy our conversation (argument?) on Michael Gambon vs. Richard Harris as Dumbledore. Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @most...
Ep. 20 - Hermione Granger and the Flexible Moral Compass
Join us for our analysis of one of our favorites--Hermione! . Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @mostepotentepodInstagram: @mostepotentepodEmail: mostepotentepodcas...
Mini-Episode: Why Can't Hagrid Live in the Castle?!
Welcome to our new mini-episode series! We hope you enjoy our thoughts (rant?) about how Hagrid deserves better. Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)Twitter: @mostepotentepodInstagram: ...
Ep. 19 - Merry Fic-Mas: A Christmas Fanfiction Exchange!
Join us for our first ever FicMas episode! In lieu of gifts, we're exchanging fanfictions with each other on the pod. Each fic is linked below. To be clear--this is not meant to shame, flame, or otherwise encourage anyone to call o...
Mini-Episode: Why is the Triwizard Tournament So Dangerous?
Welcome to our new mini-episode series! We hope you enjoy our musings on why the Triwizard Tournament is literally just child endangerment on steroids. Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)T...
Ep. 18 - Book Ginny Would Beat Movie Ginny In a Fight
Join us for our analysis of the youngest Weasley--Ginny! The movies did her dirty, so please enjoy our thoughts on how wronged her character was. . Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)
Mini-Episode: Who the f*ck is Willow Evans?
This is an emergency episode of MPP! We're VERY confused about the sudden appearance of Willow Evans on the Harry Potter Wiki, and we wanted to share our confusion with you, the listener. What are your thoughts? Is Willow Eva...
Ep. 17 - Fantastic Beasts but Frances Only Pays Attention to Queenie
Join us for our review of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them! Rebecca has seen the movie previously, but Frances has not. We'll run through Frances' predictions for the movie after watching only the preview, and then review the entire movi...
Ep. 16 - How Are Wizards Not Extinct Yet?
Join us for our first ever episode that we've recorded in-person! We're chatting about everything from wizarding farming to why Hogwarts is so unnecessarily huge. We're left with more questions than answers in this episode, but we enjoyed the r...
Ep. 15 - Hedwig's Theme Is The Closest Muggles Can Get To Real Magic
Join us as we discuss the music of the Harry Potter films from our perspective as washed up former amatur musians! As a reminder, we are currently on a temporary posting schedule of every two weeks! We will be back to every week in...
Ep. 14 - Why is Sirius Black's Life So F*cking Sad
Join us as we discuss one of the most unexpectedly tragic character in the Harry Potter fandom--Sirius Black. We (and by we we mean Rebecca) have THOUGHTS on how messed up his life was and how sad hs character arc is. Let us know if you a...
Ep. 13 - LGBTQ+ Representation In the Fandom
Join us as we discuss an important topic in the Harry Potter fandom--the representation (or lack thereof) in the HP universe. While we tried to hit many facets of this topic as possible, we know that we definitely can't get through every single...
Ep. 12 - What if Peter Pettigrew Was Hot?
Join us as we discuss an important question--what if Peter Pettigrew, aka Scabbers the Rat, aka the ultimate betrayer, was hot?? Would being attractive give him any redeeming qualities? Find out our thoughts, plus one of the funniest game...