Moste Potente Podcaste: A Harry Potter Podcast
Two millennials revisit their favorite childhood obsession: Harry Potter. Rebecca and Frances look at the series in a new light and bring listeners along for the ride as they discuss everything from plot holes to fanfiction. This podcast is meant to capture our collective love for the fandom while also taking a hard look at the problematic aspects of it. Warning: hold onto your butterbeer, because spoilers, swearwords, and sexually explicit language may occur!
Moste Potente Podcaste: A Harry Potter Podcast
Ep. 14 - Why is Sirius Black's Life So F*cking Sad
Moste Potente Podcaste
Join us as we discuss one of the most unexpectedly tragic character in the Harry Potter fandom--Sirius Black. We (and by we we mean Rebecca) have THOUGHTS on how messed up his life was and how sad hs character arc is. Let us know if you agree!
As a reminder, we are currently on a temporary posting schedule of every two weeks! We will be back to every week in a few months time once muggle life settles down a bit!
Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)
Twitter: @mostepotentepod
Instagram: @mostepotentepod
Email: mostepotentepodcaste@gmail.com
Intro background music link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDgnFDiyXEk