Moste Potente Podcaste: A Harry Potter Podcast
Moste Potente Podcaste: A Harry Potter Podcast
Ep. 11 - Snape, Snape, Severus Snape
We're back after a brief hiatus as muggle life got in the way of recording! We'll be moving to uploading every other Wednesday for the next couple months before we return to our weekly scheduled programming!
This episode's alternate title is " Why this isn't a Severus Snape apologist podcast," but we thought it may be a little too on the (hooked) nose. But we digress, please join us this week as discuss the character we love to hate, Severus Snape. Let us know what you think!
P.S., we know the Potter Puppet Pals song is stuck in your head now. You're welcome.
Please leave us a review! We're happy to take constructive feedback :)
We have a Patreon!!! https://www.patreon.com/mostepotentepod
Twitter: @mostepotentepod
Instagram: @mostepotentepod
Email: mostepotentepodcaste@gmail.com
Intro background music link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDgnFDiyXEk